Thursday 14 June 2012

EXP 3 - Final Submission

Likns of all sketchuo models in 3D Warehouse:
The whole bridge and Headquarter of Coca Cola
Headquarter of Facebook
All elevators and dining table. Also a basement for the elevator of Coca Cola

Levels file upload:
(I cannot log in the Gamefront, So i just upload into
And there are two editor files in it, the "final week" file is not the one i use as the final submission.
My Cryengine Environmnt file is named "EXP3-WEEK1 "
Image captures of final models and environment:
 This is the image of the entire bridge and two headquarters.The improvement of this final image is that i add more fog into the entire extended Cryengine environment and make the whole environment more vivid.
 This is the image taken from the headquarter of Facebook to show the bridge.
 This is the view on the middle top of bridge and show the curve shape pilars.
 This is an image of Facebook's headquarter and it shows how the headquarter connect with the bridge.
This is the dining table in the meeting space which is located on the ground. And the one behind the table is the basement of Coca Cola' elevator.

(All the videos are taken by the Fraps, so there are only few seconds will be shown.) How the elevatoe of Coca Cola works. How the elevator of Facebook going to the Facebook Headquarter The elevator of Facebook on the bridge and the view of the entire Facebook headquarter.

Monday 4 June 2012

EXP 3 - WEEK 4 Marking sheets by students

EXP 3 - WEEK 5 Developed Bridge, Models and Dining table, Videos

The bridge is arranged in the middle of two mountains and standed by the two semi-circle columns.
This is the developed bridge of Exp3. As the image shows, i totally change the idea of the privous bridge. The idea of bridge basically comes from the shape of Coca Cola' Logo, also, the curve shape of the bridge and the wave structures on the top present the passionable feature of Coca Cola.
In terms of concept, i use some circle shapes in the bridge and the number of lines on the sector to represent the large applicants of the two companies. And, the sector is kind of mark to show that people should take elevator to get to the headquarter of Facebook, which on the top of bridge and connect by a vertical path.
This is the headquarter of Coca Cola. The idea of circle shape for the headquarter is from the shape of most of Coca Cola products. And the curve forms on the roof show the passion and power of Coca Cola.
The headquarter for Facebook . The bottom part is the vcertical path for elevator goes up and down. The path is consisted by various F shapes.Then, The shape of headquarter of Fecebook is square shape, and the pillars on the roof are toward to different directions because the Facebook is sort of central power that used by different people from different bacegrounds and nations.
Elevator for Coca Cola. The idea of elevator for Coca Cola is from the buble shape of Coca Cola products. Also, in the elevator of Coca Cola, i put a semi- circle coach for VIPs.
 It is the basement of elevator.
 Elevator for facebook. The walls of elevator is consisted of various F shapes.
Dining table in meeting place

I also upload two short animations for introducing my models. Links below:        headquarter for facebook      Bridge and headquarter for Coca Cola

Images in Cryengine Environment
 This is a overlook of the bridge. Thr left hand side is the Headquarter of Facebook. And the red roof is the Headquarter of Coca Cola.
 The front view of the Headquarter for Coca Cola.
 This is the view of  headquarter of Facebook. Elevator will go up from the path to the headquarter of Facebook.
Different view of the entire bridge.
The semi-circle shape with various lines means the Facebook headquarter is on the top of bridge. And numbers of users are connected with the central power of Facebook.
View from the upstairs of Feacbook headquarter to the end of the bridge.
 This is the interior of the headquarter of Coca Cola with few office furniture.
 When the elevator of Coca Cola moving down, it will go down to the basement on the ground.
 The basement for the elevator. The staircase is for VIP going down.
 This is the internal office of Facebook.
 This image is captured when the elevator of Facebook is miving.
 The dinning table on the land.
Another view of dinning table in the meeting place.

Videos: The bridge Coca Cola headquarter 1 Coca Cola headquarter 2 Headquarter of Facebook Coca elevator to dinningtable Dinning table to facebook elevator

Tuesday 29 May 2012

EXP 3 - WEEK 3 - 36 Textures & Developed models on Cryengine Environment

36 Textures:






Tectures in Model
Developed Model in Cryengine Environment:
Three images below are the ideas of simplidied models in Cryengine Environment and how do the models connect with the mountains.
 The entire bridge is hanged in the middle of two high mountains. 
 The idea of connecting the elevator to the main headquarter.
 Overall view of the bridge.

Thw six images below are the developed bridge and the Headquarter for Coca Cola and the elevator for VIP of Coca Cola.
 The night view of bridge. And the bridge floor is covered by glass walls, when visitor going through, they also can have the view of surrounding.
 The idea of the Coca Cola head quarter is the logo of Coca Cola.(The movement shape.)

Friday 18 May 2012

EXP 3 - WEEK 2 - 18 Two point perspectives, Models of Two head offices, A elevator and A bridge, Images of elevator view in Cryengine Environment and An animation

18 Two Point Perspectives:
 Performing Something,   Strength, force or energy in action,   Potency

 The exercise of any kind of control,   Sway,   Influence

 Built,   Developed,   Demonstrate

 Generated,   Retained,   Established

 Reported,   Researched,   Verified

Collaboarted,   Prepared,   Prospected
Images of models:

 Headquarter for Coca Cola:

Headquarter for Facebook:


Dining table in meeting place:

Models in Cryengine Environment:

Person in elevator: